
The understanding

Let us begin by saying thet Shadow had died. Did Shadow know that Shadow had died? Undoubtedly. Shadow and she were associates for years. Shadow was her only executrix, her only friend and the only one who dresses in mourning for Shadow. Shadow was not so terribly bereaved by the sad event and the day of the burial she celebrated it with a banquet.

Shadow didn't erase the name of Shadow. The firm was known under the trade name "Shadow and Shadow." Sometimes the new clients called Shadow Shadow; but Shadow answered to both names, as if she, Shadow, were in effect Shadow, who had died.

Texto: traducción del poema "El entendimiento". La traducción pertenece al libro Alejandra Pizarnik, a profile de Frank Graziano.
Imagen: fotografía "memento mori" tomada del blog Memento Mori, remember that you are mortal.

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